It is Instructional Technology's
mission to contribute to the educational process of Buckeye Union High
School District students by providing technology services, training,
support, computing and communication infrastructure, and innovation for a
wide range of instructional and administrative programs.
Buckeye Union High School District is committed to ensuring all learners
are ready for the future by providing an exemplary digitally-immersive
high school experience. The concept of the digital divide is a gap between those who have access to digital technologies and those who do not. At BUHSD this digital divide has been bridged with adoption of a bond funded, 100% 1:1 program. This ensure all students have equal access to a computer. This exceptional program allows students to have a device 24x7 during the school year so they may do homework and perform research both onsite or from home.
Since its inception, the 1:1 program has provided all students with a computer. With extensive community support this program also allows graduating students to take ownership and keep the device as they move onto college or other career choices.