These procedures apply to Buckeye Union High School District staff who are traveling In-State and Out-of-State
The District recognizes that staff may need to travel in performance of their duties or responsibilities to the District. These procedures are designed to provide staff guidance. When grant funds are being used to pay for travel costs, prior approval must be obtained from the federal program manager to ensure the need for travel is tied to the goals of the grant. Travel costs must comply with 2 CFR 200.474 and the established District policy.
Overview: In-State Travel General Employee Travel Principles. In-State Travel is defined as, travel within the state of Arizona (which also includes Las Vegas and Laughlin, NV). When travel is being considered, the most economical and safe methods of conducting business must be selected. The preferred travel method is that which results in the employee spending the least amount of time away from their work site.
Overview: Out-of-State Travel General Employee Travel Principles. Out-of-State Travel is defined as, travel within the United States (excluding Las Vegas and Laughlin, NV). Such travel may be requested when in-state travel will not satisfactorily meet the program objective. Out-of- State Travel requests for Board approval must be submitted 6 weeks prior to travel. When travel is being considered, the most economical and safe methods of conducting business must be selected. The preferred travel method is that which results in the employee spending the least amount of time away from their work site.
Personal Travel in Conjunction with District Approved Travel: BUHSD liability begins and ends on the approved conference dates. If an employee is traveling outside the approved conference dates, mileage, meals and all other expenses on those dates, are not eligible for reimbursement.
Travel Expenses: When filling out the Travel Expense Claim Form, refer to the State of Arizona Accounting Manual for reimbursable rates.
Motor Vehicle Travel: In-State Travel
- District policy requires that employees first research the availability of a District vehicle. Contact the Transportation Department to reserve a vehicle. A district gasoline credit card may be requested, if needed.
- If a private vehicle is used, the employee may be reimbursed at the mileage rate established by Arizona Department of Administration. Only the most direct route will be reimbursed.
- When more than one BUHSD employee attends the same event, it is recommended the entire group travel to and from together.
- Travel begins/ends at the employees’ residence less the commute mileage to/from their work site. Example: Residence to Conference = 150 miles. Residence to Site = 10 miles. 150-10=140. Mileage eligible for reimbursement to conference = 140 miles.
- Car rentals are allowed but must be approved by grant program managers prior to eligibility for reimbursement.
Motor Vehicle Travel: Out-of-State Travel
- Employees may be reimbursed at the mileage rate established by Arizona Department of Administration. Only the most direct route will be reimbursed.
- When more than one BUHSD employee attends the same event, it is recommended the entire group travel to and from together.
- Travel begins/ends at the employees’ residence less the commute mileage to/from their work site. Example: Residence to Conference = 150 miles and Residence to Site = 10 miles. Calculation: 150-10=140. Mileage eligible for reimbursement to conference = 140 miles.
- Car rentals are allowed but must be approved by grant program managers prior to eligibility for reimbursement.
Airplane Travel: Out-of-State Travel
- Arizona Department of Administration Travel Manual allows employees staying at a conference designated hotel to be reimbursed at the conference lodging rate. If the
conference designated hotels do not have vacancies, then an undesignated hotel in the immediate vicinity can be used. However, an undesignated conference hotel will be reimbursed at lodging per diem rates established by State of Arizona Accounting Manual. Lodging rates are listed exclusive of taxes on the state website.
- Personal phone calls, movie rentals, room service or other personal expenses will not be reimbursed by the District.
- An employee may be approved to arrive the day prior to the conference, if the conference begins before 8:00 am and is at least 100 miles from their residence AND work site. The employee is expected to return on the last day of the conference.
Meals: To qualify for meal reimbursement, the employee must be authorized for travel and be a minimum of 50 miles from their work site AND residence.
- Review the meal per diem rates before travel in the State of Arizona Accounting Manual. The meal per diem amounts include tax and tip and are the maximum amounts that will be reimbursed. Itemized meal receipts are required.
- When meals are provided at no expense to the traveler, a meal allowance cannot be claimed. (This includes meals provided by the conference and hotel)
Cancellations are the responsibility of the traveler. Contact PO requestor and coordinate cancellation of travel and Purchase Orders.
In-State Travel Checklist
Prior to Travel:
- Submit a Purchase Requisition for travelers’ conference registration.
- Submit a Purchase Requisition for travelers’ other expenses. (Hotel, meals, mileage, parking, etc.)
After PO# created:
- Register for conference. Forward conference invoice to Accounts Payable at the District Office. Research the availability of a District Vehicle.
Upon Return of Travel:
- Complete Travel Expense Claim Form** within 5 business days after returning from travel. (This form must be legible and have all appropriate signatures before submitting the original document for reimbursement.)
- Submit form to Accounts Payable with the following attached:
- Original itemized invoices, in the employee’s name, with a zero balance (Hotel, parking, shuttle, taxi, etc.)
- Google map using the most direct route from residence (If requesting mileage reimbursement)
- Conference itinerary
- Conference hotel list (If not submitted, lodging per diem rates will apply)
The original Travel Expense Claim Form must be submitted to Accounts Payable at the District Office within 5 business days of return from travel and must be submitted in the fiscal year the travel occurred for the claim to be honored. BUHSD’s fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. Keep copies for your records.
Out-of-State Travel Check-List
Prior to Travel:
- Submit Request for Governing Board Approval of Staff Out-Of-State Travel 6 weeks prior to travel.
Upon Board Approval:
- Submit a Purchase Requisition for travelers’ conference registration.
- Submit a Purchase Requisition for travelers’ airfare to the District approved travel agent.
- Submit a Purchase Requisition for travelers’ other expenses. (Hotel, meals, mileage, parking, etc.)
After PO# Created:
- Register for conference. Forward conference invoice to Accounts Payable at the District Office.
- Book flight.
- Forward airfare invoice to Accounts Payable at the District Office.
Upon Return of Travel:
- Complete Travel Expense Claim Form** within 5 business days after returning from travel. (This form must be legible and have all appropriate signatures before submitting the original document for reimbursement.)
- Submit form to Accounts Payable with the following attached:
- Board Approved Staff Out-Of-State Travel form
- Original itemized invoices, in the employee’s name, with a zero balance (Hotel, parking, shuttle, taxi, etc.)
- Google map using the most direct route from residence (If requesting mileage reimbursement.)
- Invoice
- Conference itinerary
- Conference hotel list (If not submitted, lodging per diem rates will apply.)
The original Travel Expense Claim Form must be submitted to Accounts Payable at the District Office within 5 business days of return from travel and must be submitted in the fiscal year the travel occurred for the claim to be honored. BUHSD’s fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. Keep copies for your records.
State of Arizona Accounting Manual
Travel Attachments: