
The Buckeye Union High School Facilities deliver the ultimate backdrop to your student’s experience.  Clean and well-maintained classrooms and state of the art Performing Art Centers, Gymnasiums and sports facilities are always ready for student learning, performances and games.  We are very thankful to the community for supplementing our state funded facilities with bond monies to deliver consistent and equitable opportunities to all students across the district.  We protect that investment with a quality preventative maintenance and custodial support to maximize safety and building life.  We encourage you to visit campus and see what we have to offer.




Non-School Activities: Liability Insurance Coverage in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 combined single bodily injury and property damage and naming the District as additional insured is REQUIRED. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance must be attached to the facility request form.


Use of Facilities Class I Class II Class III
Athletic Fields with Lighting No Charge $40.00 $120.00
Athletic Fields without Lighting No Charge $30.00 $90.00
Classroom No Charge $10.00 $30.00
Cafeteria without Kitchen No Charge $20.00 $60.00
Cafeteria with Kitchen No Charge $30.00 $90.00
Gymnasium No Charge $40.00 $120.00
Performing Arts Center No Charge $100.00 $150.00
Performing Arts Center - Rehearsal No Charge $100.00 $150.00
Lecture Hall No Charge $20.00 $60.00
Computer Lab (up to 30 Computers) No Charge $30.00 $90.00
Computer Lab (up to 60 Computers) No Charge $60.00 $180.00
Computer Lab (up to 90 Computers) No Charge $90.00 $270.00
Computer Lab (up to 120 Computers) No Charge $120.00 $360.00


Buckeye Union High School
Luie Contreras         (623)269-1112
Estrella Foothills High School
William Wright (623)269-1214
Youngker High School
Jackie Garcia (623)269-1314

Class I
School activities such as PTA, PTO, and school clubs such as student council, band, etc.
Class II
Non-Profit organizations & Civic Activities such as schools, Pop Warner, soccer, baseball, YMCA, YWCA, federal, state, and city events, etc., for regular meetings and activities.
Non-Profit club sports and activity groups that exist to support the growth and development of the students of Buckeye Union High School District. Institutes of higher learning. Church services and their related activities.
Class III
Commercial or For-Profit organizations 

Facility Use Contract

EBI Application Instructions